When you join CSDEA, you get more than just discounted access to sponsored clinics and training events. You become part of an active community of dressage and eventing enthusiasts.
Visit the What We Do page for more information about CSDEA's programs and publications. In addition, CSDEA is a Group Member Organization (GMO) of the USDF, so all CSDEA members automatically receive Group Membership with the USDF.
Basic individual membership for new and renewing after Jan 31st is $75. If you want a hard copy of the CSDEA Omnibus (while extra copies are in stock), extra cost for that is $10 for a total cost of $85 for an individual membership. Members joining or renewing before January 1 will receive a $10 discount and a free copy of the annual Omnibus;
Membership categories:
- Individual memberships are $75
- Family memberships are $100, which includes one primary member and one supporting member. Each additional supporting member is $25
The membership year runs from December 1 to November 30.
RENEWING MEMBERS: Log in and click on the round red renewal button in the upper right-hand corner to renew your membership. It's fast and easy!
Renewing members, look for this icon in the upper right-hand corner next to your name: 
Forgot your user name or password? Just click on "forgot password" link and the system will send you your username and a temporary password in a flash. Forgot the email you used to sign up? Contact our membership coordinator for help! Please don't sign up for a new account with a new email address -- we will help you get into your existing account.
NEW MEMBERS: You can use your credit card with our secure and easy Member Signup. Just step through the process and pay with your credit card. You will receive an email with your receipt promptly.
If you prefer to pay with a check, please download and complete the 2024 Membership Form and send it with your check to the name and address as listed in the form.
Allow 3-6 weeks after you have completed your CSDEA membership sign-up or renewal for your USDF membership to be processed. For renewals by check, allow an extra 1-3 weeks processing time.
Members may choose to sign up for the CSDEA Year-End Awards program. The awards program opens each year in late winter/early spring. Note that this is an online only process, and you must have a current membership that has been verified as paid in the system in order to sign up for awards. For renewals by check, allow an extra 1-3 weeks processing time.
Once your membership is paid and the awards season is open, you will be able to log into the website and access the Awards Sign-Up area. See Award Nomination Rules for current award rules.