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Washington County Fairgrounds (WCF) has hosted dressage shows for a number of years and has been the site of Central States Dressage and Eventing’s (CSDEA) annual Dressage Festival and the fun Festival Under the Stars. Unlike some major metros that boast more than one location of public equestrian events, WCF is the only public dressage facility in the Twin Cities area and has introduced generations of riders and supporters to the sport of dressage. However, Rings 1 and 2 were never constructed to dressage standards, leading to uneven footing with poor drainage. Enter the Dressage Arena Project! This exciting project will support the construction of two dedicated dressage-specific arenas and a warm up ring in the location of the former Ring 2 (Ring 1 will become the site for games and other equestrian sports). The new arenas will be constructed to USDF standards and will feature lights and sound-capabilities that will allow dressage shows to be held entirely in this improved space.
$2,120.00 received toward our goal of $100,000.00
The CSDEA accepts donations of any size, at any time, to help maintain the organization and offer programs that help educate and promote our sports. If you like what we do, please consider a donation!
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